"The Chapel of San Miguel is the oldest church in Santa Fe. At Old Santa Fe Trail and De Vargas streets, about two blocks from the state capitol, San Miguel was originally built in 1626, although nothing of that building remains. The Pueblo Revolt began, it is said, with the burning of San Miguel. The chapel's sculpture of San Miguel, the church's patron, was carved in Mexico in 1709. In 1710, the chapel was completely rebuilt. Later, in 1859, Archbishop Lamy and the Christian Brothers of Santa Fe bought…

San Miguel Mission

San Miguel Mission je nejstarší dochovanou stavbou v Santa Fe.

San Miguel Mission

San Miguel Mission je nejstarší dochovanou stavbou v Santa Fe. Tato misie byla postavena v roce 1610 a je důležitou památkou koloniální historie Nového Mexika. Interiér kaple zdobí nádherné fresky a dřevěné sochy. Navštivte tuto historickou památku a prohlédněte si bohatou historii tohoto regionu.

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